Sunday, May 24, 2015

Unit 8 - Nanotech + Art

This week there was a lot of talk about what nanotechnology is. Explaining the many components and structure of nano-sized components.What surprised me about this is probably what surprised most people, that there are many ways people already use nanotech. I always thought nanotech would be something that people would utilize in the future, something far-off, but they are many examples in which nanotech is already being used that I never thought of as nanotech.

There are self-cleaning glass and cosmetic products that were mentioned in lecture as well as stain-resistant clothing ans counter surfaces that many people already own. The article by Iris Price, "Cutting-edge Nanotechnology Comes Home," mentions many products of the sort. Notably, there is the FENIX NTM® laminate that is said to reduce light reflectivity and reduce the accumulation of dirt and germs.

It's even self-healing

We can also see that there is a connection between nanotech and art. As seen in lecture we have the Lycurgus cup that changes color through the use of nanotech.

What;s also interesting is the old age of the cup. Nanotech apparently is not a new concept.

One can easily envision the beauty of stained glass windows and the colors the windows show is als due to the use of nanotech. There are even instances where nanotech can expand the uses of art. The article "Air-purifying Church Windows" mentions just that, windows that are able to purify the air when lit by sunlight.

Photo of Associate Professor Zhu Huai Yong from the article

We can also see the convergence of nanotech and art through Kimsooja, a Korean artist that wanted to “shape and perspective that reveals the invisible as visible, physical as immaterial, and vice versa” ("Art and Nanotechnology Converge in Campus Biennial"). Kimsooja artwork was called the "Needle Woman" a structure that through the collaboration of artists and scientists, changed colors as the viewpoint of the artwork's viewers change.

Pieces of "Needle Woman"

Just as the art piece changes colors, the constant collaboration between art and nanotech should change people's perception of the two. As nanotech becomes more prominent in our society, it should be no surprise that more artist will use this technology to create new and interesting art pieces.

Cited Sources

"Nanotechnology Now." - Current Uses. N.p., 20 Apr. 2015. Web. 24 May 2015. <>.

Price, Iris. "Cutting-edge Nanotechnology Comes Home." New Nanotechnology Products for the Home. Improvement Center, 23 June 2014. Web. 24 May 2015. <>.

Aloi, Daniel. "Art and Nanotechnology Converge in Campus Biennial." Art and Nanotechnology Converge in Campus Biennial. Nanowerk, 11 Sept. 2014. Web. 24 May 2015. <>.

"Nanotechnology Now." - Art and Nanotechnology. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2015. <>.

"Air-purifying Church Windows Early Nanotechnology." Air-purifying Church Windows Early Nanotechnology. Lab Spaces, 21 Aug. 2008. Web. 24 May 2015. <>.

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